We offer 5 star treatments with a personal touch throughout to ensure you the best oral health for a lifetime
My gums bleed when I brush my teeth. Why?
Aggressive brushing causing gum injury , chronic irritation of the gums due to accumulation of plaque and tartar on the gums, may be one the reasons that may have caused them to bleed on brushing the teeth. Schedule an appointment with your dentist. He may resolve it with a simple or a deep cleaning to remove the plaque or tartar or to detect any other problem that may be causing the bleeding gums.
What is a cavity?
It is a tiny hole that forms inside the tooth and is caused by decay in the tooth. Cavity develops when plaque accumulates on the surface of the tooth. Over time the acids in the plaque cause demineralization of the tooth surface and leads to cavity formation.
Why are my teeth sensitive to hot and cold and sweet foods?
Sensitivity of teeth to hot or cold, sweet foods is a common complaint when there is a cavity or a pre-existing filling that is leaking or aggressive brushing. A loss of tooth structure either enamel or cementum, the layer that covers the roots, can expose the inner nerves and pulp of the teeth which is the cause for the tooth pain.